Overview: This intriguing story is about two girls from the same country, same city, but know little about each others lives, cultures, and family life. This is due to the fact that Amal is a Palestinian and Odelia is an Israeli; and the outbreak of war that has been going on for over fifty years in the middle east. Throughout the book, you learn much about each side of the looking glass; political views, traditions, and dreams of both young women.
My Thoughts: I thought this book was very different from most of the books I've read lately, and I liked the contrast. I had little, or to be quite frank, no knowledge of the war in the middle east before it was assigned reading for history class. Now, I've formed my own opinions about the situation over there and I think once you read the book, you will too. I found that learning different customs about their people on both sides very interesting, and I found myself comparing my American life to theirs. It is a book that everyone should just look at, it taught me a lot. And, it's a plus that it was written by teens like us.
Two Stars: **
My Thoughts: I thought this book was very different from most of the books I've read lately, and I liked the contrast. I had little, or to be quite frank, no knowledge of the war in the middle east before it was assigned reading for history class. Now, I've formed my own opinions about the situation over there and I think once you read the book, you will too. I found that learning different customs about their people on both sides very interesting, and I found myself comparing my American life to theirs. It is a book that everyone should just look at, it taught me a lot. And, it's a plus that it was written by teens like us.
Two Stars: **
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