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Friday, September 18

L.A. Candy by: Lauren Conrad

Overview: Jane and Scarlet are polar opposite BFF's, moved from Santa Barbara to L.A. where they plan to start their lives; her as an intern at a prestegious event planning biz while Scarlet goes to U.S.C. While trying to have a good time in an awesome L.A. club, they are discovered by a reality producer and the book picks up from there - or should I say goes down. The girls meet their co-stars, Gabby & Madison, go to fabulous clubs, and live their lives on-screen. It seems too good too be true! However, you could believe that it was. Soon, the cameras are everywhere the girls DON'T want to be. It seems that everybody loves to love you - but, they love to hate you even more.

My Thoughts: It was a pretty good read, considering it was a quirky comedy with relatable characters. Out of all the characters, Scarlet was my favorite. She knows what she wants, doesn't take any crap from anyone, and was level-headed in any situation. Although, those are all nothing compared to the admiration I held for her when she was the only one who realized that her L.A. type A, blonde, air-headed co-stars Gabby & Madison were nothing but trouble. The very end of the book made me laugh, it seemed very clever of Lauren to end it this way. There is a plan for a two more L.A. Candy books, sequeling this unique tale. It was overall, a decent read.

Three Stars: ***

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